Crossroads Children's Mental Health Centre

Location2485 Dwight Crescent, Ottawa, ON K1G 1C7 

Treatment partner — Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre

Grade/Age — Grades 1-3 (6-9 years) and grades 4-6 (9-12 years)

Capacity —  8 classrooms with 64 spaces for grades 1- 6

Duration — The average length of stay in this program is one school year. 

Program Referral — Referrals to this program are made by the student’s community school and program admission is decided upon by the Coordinated Referral Committee through Coordinated Access.

Crossroads Children’s Mental Health Centre provides services for children who have severe emotional and self-regulation problems. Mental health services are provided by psychology, social work and psychiatric consultation and through collaboration with other partners. In addition to the school program based on the Ministry of Education Curriculum, a strong emphasis is placed on emotional and social learning as well as on working with parents and the family system.   

Students in our program are working towards meeting expectations from the Ontario Curriculum. All students have an Individual Education Plan (IEP) created by the classroom teacher in collaboration with the educational assistant and the child’s parents/guardians. In order to focus on Social Emotional Learning, all students in our program are placed on a modified Science and Social Studies program and complete a reduced number of grade-level curriculum expectations. Students also work toward achieving individual Learning Skill goals.

At the completion of their time with McHugh, students and staff are provided additional support from a McHugh Transitions Teacher, to ensure a safe and successful transition for those involved.