Returning to the Home School

As it is the intention of many of our programs, to help our students to successfully return to their home schools, once treatment is complete, M.F. McHugh provides services to ensure that this important transition is one that is successful, and meaningful. These services are provided in accordance with the Ministry of Ontario guidelines, for a period of three months.

The Transition Teacher, at McHugh, works with principals, teachers and educational assistants to develop the transition plan for students returning to their home school. The Transition Teacher also participates in supporting the returning student as well the receiving school during this transition.

The specific role of the Transition Teacher may vary with each student, depending on their needs. In most situations, they will act as a liaison between the CTCC (M.F. McHugh) program and OCSB/OCDSB boards. Their major priority is to assist with student transition, beginning with the development of their IEP when they arrive at McHugh and following through to the transition plan for the student when they are set to return to their home school.

During their time with McHugh, if a student is to need extra support, the Transition Teacher is available in the classroom, helping with assistive technology, support for classroom staff, and being a source of knowledge in the range of supports, services, inclusive practices, and specialized programs, in both the OCDSB and OCSB Special Education Plans.

As a student prepares to return to their home school, the role of the Transition Teacher increases. They are responsible to assist in the development and implementation of transition programs for individual student, to attending transition meetings with school personnel, to provide support for receiving school staff in program modification, and to provide tours (individual or small group) of the new school for the student.

Transition Teachers remain in contact with students who have returned to school, to follow-up, and to ensure that the transition has been as smooth as possible for both students and staff.